Euclid Prime Journals Veritabani 19 Temmuz 2011 tarihine kadar deneme erisimine acilmistir.

Cornell University Libraries ve Duke University Press tarafindan olusturulan Veritabani, teorik ve uygulamali matematik ve istatistik alanlarindaki 30 e-dergiyi kapsamaktadir.

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Abstract and Applies Analysis
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics
Asian Journal of Mathematics
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin
Communications in Mathematical Analysis
Experimental Mathematics
Functiones et Approximatico
Hokkaido Mathematical Journal
Homology, Homotopy and Applications
Internet Mathematics
Journal of Applied Mathematics
Journal of Commutative Algebra
Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications
Journal of Physical Mathematics
Journal of Symplectic Geometry
Kodai Mathematical Journal
Kyoto Journal of Mathematics
Nihonkai Mathematical Journal
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic
Publicacions Matemàtiques
Real Analysis Exchange
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
The Review of Modern Logic
Tohoku Mathematical Journal
Tokyo Journal of Mathematics
Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics

  • 2011-05-10 14:39:59
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