Euclid Prime Journals Veritabani 19 Temmuz 2011 tarihine kadar deneme erisimine acilmistir.
Cornell University Libraries ve Duke University Press tarafindan olusturulan Veritabani, teorik ve uygulamali matematik ve istatistik alanlarindaki 30 e-dergiyi kapsamaktadir.
Erisim adresi:
Dergi Listesi:
Abstract and Applies Analysis |
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics |
African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics |
Asian Journal of Mathematics |
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis |
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin |
Communications in Mathematical Analysis |
Experimental Mathematics |
Functiones et Approximatico |
Hokkaido Mathematical Journal |
Homology, Homotopy and Applications |
Internet Mathematics |
Journal of Applied Mathematics |
Journal of Commutative Algebra |
Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications |
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications |
Journal of Physical Mathematics |
Journal of Symplectic Geometry |
Kodai Mathematical Journal |
Kyoto Journal of Mathematics |
Nihonkai Mathematical Journal |
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic |
Publicacions Matemàtiques |
Real Analysis Exchange |
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana |
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics |
The Review of Modern Logic |
Tohoku Mathematical Journal |
Tokyo Journal of Mathematics |
Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics |
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